Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Bermuda Contamination Eradication with Turf Ester/Fusilade

With the tournament behind us, it is time to start doing our annual chemical applications to kill off the Bermudagrass contamination within our Zoysiagrass fairways and tees. We apply a combination of two chemicals with the trade names of Turf Ester and Fusilade. When used in conjunction with one another, these chemicals stunt the growth of Bermuda, sending it into dormancy. These chemicals also regulate some growth in the Zoysia. However, it quickly recovers within 10 days. With the growth of the Bermuda completely stunted, an opportunity is created for the Zoysia to spread in the areas that are contaminated with Bermuda, thus completely choking out and eradicating the Bermuda.

As you can see in the three pictures to the left, several of our tees have Bermuda contamination around the perimeter of the tees. This is most likely due to encroachment from the Bermuda in the stepcut areas.

Here, we see a couple of tees with larger masses of Bermuda contamination. From a distance, these areas appear to be "hot spots" - areas that have dried out in extreme temperatures.

However, if you look closely, you can see live green tissue within these areas. This is the Zoysia grass that will eventually spread and close in the areas where the Bermuda had existed.

Here, we have a look at a couple of the Fairways that were treated with Turf Ester and Fusilade. Again, there are spots that appear to be affected by drought. However, these areas will soon grow in with just Zoysiagrass.

Below are a couple of helpful links to USGA reports that explain the use of Turf Ester and Fusilade for Bermudagrass control.

Selective Control Options for Bermudagrass Contamination in Zoysiagrass Turf: A Preliminary Report

Selective Control Options for Bermudagrass Contamination in Zoysiagrass Turf

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